Sunday, October 17, 2010

Daily Giggles

My oldest son received a vet kit, complete with a stuffed dog, for his third birthday  He picked up the plastic bone and threw it over the heads of the party attendants and the picked up the dog.  As he threw the dog in the same direction, he yelled, 'GO FETCH!'

We had entered that state of being potty trained where kids have to be reminded all the time to go.  My oldest son was 3 and was getting very annoyed with me checking up to see if he needed to go.  I asked him while we were out if he needed to go to the bathroom.  He turned to me squarely and said, 'No!  Do you?'

When leaving the last day of swimming lessons with a new report card, my then 4 year old son and I were discussing the card.  I asked him why the card mentioned he was afraid of the water when he'd never shown any sign of that to us.  He said, 'I'm not scared of the top of the water, just the bottom.'

At about 5, my oldest son was over joyed to come tell me he had handled a bug on his own.  'Mom, I smashed him with a Rescue Hero and then got rid of him all by myself.'  I asked what he did with the bug.  'I wiped the juice off onto the carpet and put the bug in the airvent!'

My middle child / son was about 2 and we were having corn on the cob.  After he had a few bites he was holding it in his fist and banging it on the table.  To distract him, my husband used the opportunity to show him the cob and how the corn was attached and that's why we call it corn on the cob.  My son said, 'No, Daddy, it's corn on the table.'

10/17/10 - We had a busy day of Sunday School and church.  Our 9 year old son had played with the band (him guitar, a base guitar, piano, and drums) while the children's choir sang during the service.  Shortly after their performance, the kids returned to the front of the church to listen to a children's sermon.  The leader discussed a basic principle of Christianity - Faith - and how you can see how 2 plus 2 equals 4 but, you have to have faith when it comes to religion.  You can't 'see' it.  The service continued and the children left the front of the church.  Later we were having dinner.  My husband told me that the base player had said he had not wanted to turn our son's guitar up too loud in case he got nervous and had many blunders but had said he'd done extremely well.  My son heard this and, being quite the perfectionist (and accomplished guitar player), laughed and said, 'Oh, come on!  Have a little faith!'  And people say kids don't listen.

10/20/10 - At the dinner table with two boys, let's face it, there are fart jokes.  My youngest son has earned the name of 'Sir Fartsalot' from my oldest.  While having dinner, he made some fart joke and I said something about Mr. Fartsalot.  'That's SIR Fartsalot to you!'  He declared.  Yeah, and we're not supposed to laugh.

10/20/10 - Doing math homework, my youngest son was looking over the errors his dad had marked.  He walked through a problem with his dad and my husband admitted he had marked it incorrectly.  My son said, 'I knew it! I mean, I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to prove you wrong.'

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