Daily Giggles - New ways to laugh at my life.

*While recovering from an ear infection, my daughter was going through the 'gooey' stage.  You know, where they always have thick slime coming out of their noses and are coughing it up.  I was helping her get her nose cleaned up and it went like this: 'Mom, do I have tiny little hairs in my nose?'  I thought she was being so insightful!  A little Biology genius!  'Yes, you do.'  I said so proud and anxious for the next question coming my way.  'OK' she said, 'You don't.  You have great big huge ones in your nose.'

*My daughter has been full of attitude.  She told me while I was waiting for HER to pick a story that I was PICKY!  Do I need to take this from a 5 year old?  More importantly, how do I keep from laughing so she won't be encouraged to continue!?

*My oldest son received a vet kit, complete with a stuffed dog, for his third birthday  He picked up the plastic bone and threw it over the heads of the party attendants and the picked up the dog.  As he threw the dog in the same direction, he yelled, 'GO FETCH!'

*We had entered that state of being potty trained where kids have to be reminded all the time to go.  My oldest son was 3 and was getting very annoyed with me checking up to see if he needed to go.  I asked him while we were out if he needed to go to the bathroom.  He turned to me squarely and said, 'No!  Do you?'

*When leaving the last day of swimming lessons with a new report card, my then 4 year old son and I were discussing the card.  I asked him why the card mentioned he was afraid of the water when he'd never shown any sign of that to us.  He said, 'I'm not scared of the top of the water, just the bottom.'

*At about 5, my oldest son was over joyed to come tell me he had handled a bug on his own.  'Mom, I smashed him with a Rescue Hero and then got rid of him all by myself.'  I asked what he did with the bug.  'I wiped the juice off onto the carpet and put the bug in the airvent!'

*My middle child / son was about 2 and we were having corn on the cob.  After he had a few bites he was holding it in his fist and banging it on the table.  To distract him, my husband used the opportunity to show him the cob and how the corn was attached and that's why we call it corn on the cob.  My son said, 'No, Daddy, it's corn on the table.'

*My 5 year old daughter was building tents with blankets in living room and the dog kept climbing on to it and making a bed out of it.  She kept rebuilding it and getting more frustrated.  It was cracking me up so I laughed.  She shot me a nasty look and the following conversation ensued:  "Honey, I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing WITH you."   "Mommy, I'm NOT LAUGHING!"  My husband and I both laughed then, next thing we know, she whacked us both over the head with a pillow from the couch.  Probably shouldn't have laughed at that but, just couldn't help it.

*Playing a children's song while playing it on the piano, my 5 year old daughter turned to me and said, "Mommy!  You're better than I expected!"

*My 5 year old daughter kept rubbing the bottom of her foot up against my leg.  I asked her what in the world she was doing.  Her response: "I have an itch, and you have spikes on your legs that are scratchy."