Saturday, October 2, 2010

Opening Oddity

As my first post, it seems fitting that it should be at 3:30 in the morning.  See, this is the same time of night that I am up almost every night.  No one knows why.  Everyone has a theory.  "Are you worried about your dad?' someone will ask.

My Dad was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer July 2009 and is, obviously, always on my mind.  It is thrill to live near both sets of our parents.  A joy to have such close ties with our families throughout our children's lives.

"Or are you eating something you shouldn't before bed?"  Another issue.  No, I didn't but,  This seems like as good a time as any to mention my never ending battle with maintaining my weight.

"Does the cat wake you up?  Maybe you should lock her out of your room."  Well, no.  Probably more likely I wake her up.   My husband, I never wake up.

And so it goes.  My daily struggle with getting enough sleep.  I assume it will get better as the kids get more independent but, I do occasionally entertain the idea that this may not work either.  It's all I've got for now.

So, why then, does my 13 year old son need more help now than when he was 6?  Then I simply had to ask him to brush his teeth.  Four times, of course, but, eventually he'd do it.  Now I have to ask him to brush his teeth, remind him to put toothpaste on first, but not too much, then brush his teeth.  OH YEAH!  AND DON'T FORGET TO TURN THE TOOTHBRUSH ON!!!  Yes, I actually have to tell him that.  And then to get his socks on and then to get the shoes and it's time for the bus and, one of my favorites, if you're waiting for the bus, shouldn't you KNOW that you need to watch for it?!  Seems they left that out of the 'How to be an effectively ineffective middle schooler' hand book.  If I can find it in his room, I'll have to look that up.

Enough of the 'getting to know me' for now.

Today, well, yesterday, I took my children to get flu shots.  As usual, every detail of timing had to come off without a hitch to make it possible to arrive at the dr. on time.  Pick up the 9 year old son 20 minutes early, have the 13 year old walk over from the school next door to meet us and off we go.  It worked like clock work.  And then it started.  My normally unusual family started fighting over who would get their flu shot first.  Not how you're thinking.  It wasn't, 'Make him go first, I went first last time.'  but rather,'I want mine first!'
'No, I do.'
No, I get to.  I'm the youngest.'  This is my 4 year old daughter who, though it remains to be seen, may end up being the greatest hostage negotiator of all times.  She and my 9 year old son are vying for either that or car salesperson of the year.  They are relentless debaters!

And so it went.  The whole time the office staff giggling because who ever argues about who GETS to have their shot first?  Well, my normally unusual family does.

Have a great day but, wait until the sun's up!

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