Thursday, September 29, 2011

No TV, No attitude?

My husband and I theorized years ago that, our sons were more obnoxious the more video games they played.  As a result, we have only allowed them to play then on weekends since.  It seems to have reduced the amount of confrontation.  Mission accomplished.

Well, the sad day has come that we're (and by 'we're', I mean me telling my husband it's what we should do) thinking of doing the same thing with TV.  The attitudes when they're asked to do something when they're watching TV is appalling.  Doesn't seem to matter that I've been working since sun up to make things nice for them.  I ask for one back pack pick up and suddenly, a big huff and stomp festival happens.  They halfway do what they're asked and race back to the TV.  My ten year old even travels with the remote.  YEP!  He pauses his program and takes the remote with him wherever he goes.  What is that about?!  SO, it may be time.  The end of week day TV could be near!  You should see them shiver in fear when I mention it!

Lightly Fluffed

Our five month old cat, Dexter, has been following me around since we got him.  He loves to get in the dryer on top of the warm clothes while I pull them out and hang them up.  When it's empty, I start throwing the wet stuff in and, well, he's a cat, he's not big on wet laundry.  So I threw in our socks and underwear load, slammed the door, pushed the start button and was set to put out the next fire.  Wait, why is the dryer making so much noise?  Thump, thump, thump.   Socks and underwear shouldn't make that much noise......CRAP!  Yes, it finally happened.  I opened the door and a gray streak shot out of the laundry room and down the hall.  I should have known it would happen eventually.  He seems no worse for wear.  And, no, he doesn't get in the dryer anymore.

Rambling on my soap box

Occasionally, and only VERY occasionally, I have a realization that really makes sense.  OK so, I think it really makes sense and, therefore, makes sense to everyone else.  My latest was based on the frustration of the lack of manners in kids today.  This was brought on by a comment my 5 year old daughter made to me when she asked for something: 'Thank you,....and you're welcome for asking.'  How delightful!

The thought of interrupting a conversation between adults or not using please or thank you as a child is not something I can even wrap my brain around.  Never mind smart comments like the above.  Yet today's kids, raised by my generation, somehow have been unable to grasp the concept of basic manners.  Maybe the oddity of 'finishing school' or cotillions as a formal display of skills learned at 'finishing school' aren't as freaky as I had first thought. 

I decided to ride this train of thought and see where I went.  I could not have been more surprised when I realized that, of all the things my boys have learned in boy scouts, nothing has had to do with manners.  Yes, they pledge to be good citizens, blah, blah, blah.  Do they really know what that means?  From the meetings I've seen, I doubt they were paying attention long enough.  They can tie ten different kinds of knots, make 12 different kinds of kites, and sell $10,000 worth of popcorn.   Why wouldn't they have a section, maybe even two, on how to have manners?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Since I've yet to turn 40, NO KIDDING!, I just had my first mammogram.  It was very fast, the system in the office to get you in and out was great, everyone was nice.  I have no complaints.  I simply want to throw out there that the machine that does the mammograms MUST have been invented by a man.  No woman would have thought, 'ok, we'll make a great big vice, squeeze as tight as possible, and take picture....from 3 different angles.'  I'm pretty sure a woman would have gone straight for the ultrasound.  I got to have one of those, too.  No where near as exciting as when you're pregnant - not that I want to be to have that excitement again - EEEEK!  BUT, less painful, and apparently more accurate since they do those if they have any questions about the vice images.  I think we as women should demand the removal of the shop tools and more use of practical, less barbaric ultrasounds until something better comes along.  Like they wouldn't demand the same if they had to put their testicles in those things!
September 25, 2011- Today was a special day!  My friend, Mary, with ovarian cancer (currently cancer free) invited a bunch of her friends to walk / run with her in the 5th annual ROC 5k run / 1 mile walk.  While I have 30 extra pounds over last year, (I call it physical grief) I was determined to run the whole thing.  The most I do in training in 2 miles.  You can only get 5K (3.1 miles) out of me for a special occasion.  I had a week during training where I was stupid and decide to up my leg press 50 lbs.  Needless to say, there was no running that week.  There was hardly walking until Friday.  I don't know why it seemed like a good idea at the time, but it did.  Then the next week I was sick - flat on my back head cold sick.  Another week no training.  I thought the weight and those two weeks would be a good set of excuses but, after losing my Dad this summer, it seemed all the more imperative that I run the whole thing.  Well, I am happy to say, I DID IT.  I was 4 minutes slower than last year and look no where near as cute in running clothes but, I DID IT.  Sad as it is to say, I talked to my Dad in my head the whole time.  It was especially useful when I was going up hills.  People who plan races in places with hills should be punished!  Anyway, it was a good day.  Hopefully the beginning of me getting my act back together and finally beating my lowest time in a 5K.

Afterwards we went to the Wolf Sanctuary with Yukon and the boys to be part of a demonstration for the Gateway Sled Dog Club - yes, we joined.  Yes, they're  mostly crazy dog people - yes, they're very nice.  It was a great time.  Reece got to ride the scooter and Yukon got to run a 5K AND pull the scooter all in the same day.  He couldn't have been more happy.

I keep reminding myself that two years ago I joked that I wouldn't be caught running out of a burning building.  Today I made it through this.  Hang in there people!  I still believe it:  We can do what we have to do!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Return from My Fall from the Face of the Earth

It has been a long time since I last posted.  Nearly a year.  I know it's easy to think I have been a slacker but, the truth is not nearly that exciting.  A brief summary for those not in the know:  My father spent the last two years fighting colon cancer.  It was 18 months of doctors trips and treatments and mostly normal quality of life and 6 months of eye gouging, heart wrenching, soul crushing, Hell.  He passed away two days after my parents' 47th wedding anniversary and two days before the 2nd anniversary of his diagnosis.  Perhaps, as therapy for me or someone else, I may elaborate more in a different blog later, that you can read if you so choose.  I just didn't want you to think that my life had turned boring.  There are plenty of stories that I need to catch you up on.